My Wish

1:45:00 pm

Mungkin kalau dia masih ada, keadaannya tidak sama. 

At least we've got a leader, tho one who will guide us. But, what can I do? He's in a better place right now. This is not what I want. This is God's will. But, whatever it is, God rules yesterday, now, and until forevermore. I don't have to worry. I have to trust Him.

One question's still left around my head: "Does God want me to be healed? Would He revive the dying souls?"

I know that He is able. He's more than able.
But, does He want to?

Still, the answer is the same.
I must trust Him in every things.

Hard, but not impossible.

It will be done by His mighty hands.

I believe. I try to believe.

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